Emotional Signs of Stress

Emotional Signs of Stress

To understand how stress impacts our emotions and what that looks like, we first need to understand the stress response.Β When we experience stress, our body releases hormones such as cortisol and adrenaline, which activate the fight-or-flight response. This response is an evolutionary adaptation that prepares the body to handle perceived threats by increasing heart rate, blood pressure, and breathing rate.

During the stress response (also known as the fight-or-flight response), the body's sympathetic nervous system is activated, and the adrenal glands release adrenaline and noradrenaline into the bloodstream. These hormones cause a range of physiological changes, including increased blood flow to the muscles, dilation of the pupils, and decreased digestion. The goal is to provide the body with the necessary resources to fight or flee from the perceived danger.

Cortisol is another hormone that is released during stress. It is often referred to as the "stress hormone" because it is released in response to stress and helps to regulate the body's response to stress. Cortisol increases blood sugar levels, suppresses the immune system, and affects the metabolism of fat, protein, and carbohydrates.

These hormones released as a result of the stress response don't just causeΒ physiological changes, they also play a crucial role in regulating our emotions.Β They can influence our mood, behaviour, and emotional responses in various ways.

Emotional Signs of Stress

emotional signs of stress

Here are some common emotional signs of stress:

Anxiety and Worry

Anxiety and worry are common emotional signs of stress that can have significant impacts on your well-being. Anxiety is a feeling of unease that can be mild or severe. It can be accompanied by physical symptoms such as restlessness, rapid heartbeat, and sweating. Chronic anxiety can lead to panic attacks, phobias, and other mental health disorders. In some cases, anxiety can even lead to physical health problems, such as high blood pressure and heart disease.

Worry, on the other hand, is a cognitive aspect of anxiety that involves excessive thinking about potential negative outcomes. WhenΒ you experiences stress,Β your mind may become preoccupied with worrying about the future, even if there is no immediate threat. This type of worry can be harmful as it can lead to increased levels of stress and anxiety, impacting a person's emotional and mental well-being.

Anger and Irritability

emotional signs of stress

Stress can cause irritability and anger, leading to conflict in relationships. Chronic anger can also have long-term consequences on mental and physical health, including high blood pressure, heart disease, and stroke. Anger and irritability can manifest in various ways, such as snapping at loved ones, having a short fuse, or feeling constantly frustrated. These emotional signs of stress can cause conflicts in relationships and make it difficult for individuals to engage in daily activities.

Sadness and Depression

Stress can lead to feelings of sadness, hopelessness, and despair. These emotional signs of stress can make it difficult to engage fully in daily activities and can negatively impact your overall quality of life. While these feelings are normal and may occur from time to time, chronic stress can lead to depression, which is a more severe and persistent emotional state.

Depression is characterised by persistent feelings of sadness, emptiness, and worthlessness. While it may be caused by various factors, chronic stress is one of the leading causes of depression. Individuals who experience chronic stress may struggle to find joy in activities they once enjoyed and may have difficulty getting out of bed or engaging in social interactions. They may also experience physical symptoms such as changes in appetite and sleep patterns, fatigue, and difficulty concentrating.Β Β 

It's important to note that while sadness and depression share similarities, they are not the same. Sadness is a natural emotional response to a difficult situation, such as the loss of a loved one, a significant life change, or excess pressures at work for example. In contrast, depression is a persistent emotional state that can affect a person's ability to function in daily life. It's crucial for individuals experiencing persistent feelings of sadness or depression to seek support from a mental health professional to prevent long-term negative impacts on their emotional and physical well-being.

Feeling Overwhelmed

Feeling overwhelmed and struggling to cope with the daily tasks and responsibilities of life can be a sign that you are under a lot of stress. This emotional sign of stress can manifest in several ways, including difficulty concentrating, forgetfulness, and feeling easily distracted. For instance, you may struggle to complete work tasks or household chores, leading to increased stress levels and a sense of helplessness.

One of the consequences of feeling overwhelmed is procrastination. When you feel stressed, you may find it challenging to prioritise tasks and may procrastinate in completing them, leading to a further increase in stress levels. This can create a cycle of stress and procrastination, making it even more challenging to accomplish tasks and increase feelings of overwhelm.

Mood Swings

emotional signs of stress

Stress-induced mood swings can manifest in various ways, making it difficult for youΒ  to regulate your emotions. For instance, you may feel happy and optimistic one moment and then suddenly become irritable or sad, seemingly without reason. Such emotional instability can be challenging to manage, leading to increased stress and tension.

Mood swings can also result in overreactions to minor stressors, leading to heightened levels of frustration, anger, and anxiety. You may become easily triggered by specific situations or people, resulting in exaggerated reactions that can lead to conflicts and misunderstandings. This, in turn, can lead to further mood swings, perpetuating the negative cycle.

In some severe cases, mood swings can lead to self-destructive behavior, such as substance abuse, excessive eating, or self-harm. An individual may turn to these behaviors as a way of coping with the stress and emotional turmoil they are experiencing. However, this can lead to further negative consequences, such as addiction or physical harm.

Lack of Motivation and Energy

Stress can cause a lack of motivation and energy, leaving you feeling drained and uninterested in activities that you once enjoyed. This can manifest as procrastination and difficulty in completing tasks, leading to decreased productivity and further stress. It can also cause physical symptoms such as fatigue, weakness, and trouble sleeping, which can exacerbate the issue.

In addition to affecting productivity and relationships, a lack of motivation and energy can also impact mental health. It can contribute to feelings of helplessness and hopelessness, leading to a cycle of stress and negative emotions. Individuals may also experience difficulty in making decisions and setting goals, further perpetuating the problem.

Over time, chronic stress can lead to burnout, which is characterized by feelings of exhaustion, cynicism, and a lack of accomplishment. This can have significant consequences on one's personal and professional life, as well as their physical and mental health. It's essential to recognize the signs of burnout and take steps to address stress levels before they reach this point.

Coping with Emotional Signs of Stress

So it is clear from reading all of the above emotional signs of stressΒ if left for too long they can have significant negative consequences on not only our emotional health but our physical health too. Here are some helpful tips for coping with emotional signs of stress:

Practice Mindfulness


You have most likely heard this before but practicing mindfulness can really have a significant impact on your daily life and emotional well-being. By being present in the moment and paying attention to thoughts and feelings without judgment, you can gain more control over your emotions and reduce stress levels. Mindfulness techniques, such as meditation, deep breathing, and yoga, can be easily incorporated into daily routines to promote emotional balance and mental clarity.Β 

Meditation is a common mindfulness technique that involves sitting quietly and focusing on breathing or a specific object or thought. This practice can reduce stress, anxiety, and depression and improve overall well-being. Deep breathing exercises can also help calm the mind and reduce stress levels by increasing oxygen flow to the brain and body. Yoga combines both meditation and deep breathing techniques with physical movements to improve flexibility, strength, and balance while promoting relaxation and stress reduction.

We have some great free resources to use that can help with mindfulness:

Incorporating mindfulness techniques into daily life can help you better manage your emotions and reactions to stressors, leading to improved relationships, work performance, and overall quality of life. By practicing mindfulness regularly, you can become more aware of your thoughts and emotions and develop a greater sense of self-awareness and emotional regulation.

Engage in Physical Activity

Engaging in physical activity is another effective strategy for managing stress and improving emotional well-being. Exercise releases endorphins, which are chemicals in the brain that act as natural painkillers and mood elevators. Regular exercise has been shown to reduce symptoms of depression and anxiety, as well as improve sleep and overall physical health.

Incorporating physical activity into your daily routine doesn't have to be complicated or time-consuming. Simple activities such as walking, cycling, or even taking the stairs instead of the elevator can make a big difference. Finding an activity that you enjoy, such as dancing or playing a sport, can also help make exercise feel less like a chore and more like a fun hobby.

In addition to the physical benefits, engaging in physical activity can also have a positive impact on your emotions. Exercise provides a sense of accomplishment and can boost self-esteem. It can also serve as a healthy outlet for stress and emotions, allowing you to clear your mind and release tension. Overall, incorporating physical activity into your daily routine can lead to improved emotional well-being and a more positive outlook on life.

Eat Well

If you're feeling stressed, your first instinct may be to grab a glass of wine or tuck into some comfort foods. While they may feel good in the moment, they are not going to help fight stress or actually make you feel any better after you consume them. But you don't have to look too far or go to too much trouble to find foods and drinks that can actually help fight stress and make you feel better. You can find some of the best foods and drinks to fight stress and what to avoid if you're feeling stressed out in our blog post - How to fight stress with food and drink.

Get Enough Sleep

get enough sleep

Getting enough sleep is crucial for both physical and emotional health. Sleep deprivation can worsen stress and increase the risk of depression and anxiety. To promote better sleep, it is recommended to establish a consistent sleep routine, avoid caffeine and alcohol before bedtime, and create a relaxing sleep environment.

Establishing a consistent sleep routine involves going to bed and waking up at the same time every day, even on weekends. This can help regulate your body's natural sleep-wake cycle and improve the quality of your sleep. While this is the ideal, most of us cannot achieve that 100% of the time but if you can achieve it 80% of the time it will have a significant impact.Β 

Avoiding caffeine and alcohol before bedtime can also help improve sleep quality, as they can disrupt the sleep cycle and cause restlessness. Adapt Drinks is a great alternative for a late afternoon or early evening drink. It is non-alcoholic and it also contains L-theanine which has been shown to have powerful relaxation and stress-reducing benefits. It can help to reduce anxiety and promote feelings of calmness and relaxation without inducing drowsiness.Β 

Studies have found that L-theanine can help to reduce physiological and psychological stress responses, such as increased heart rate and cortisol levels. It can also help to improve sleep quality, as it promotes relaxation and reduces mental activity, making it easier to fall asleep and stay asleep.

Creating a relaxing sleep environment is also important. This can include keeping the bedroom cool, dark, and quiet, and removing distractions such as electronic devices. Additionally, engaging in relaxing activities before bedtime, such as reading or taking a warm bath, can help promote feelings of relaxation and improve sleep quality. By prioritising adequate sleep, you can improve your emotional well-being and better manage stress levels.Β 

Seek Support from Friends and Family

Seeking support from friends and family can be a powerful tool in managing stress and improving emotional well-being. Talking to someone you trust can help you feel supported and less alone in your struggles. Sharing your feelings with friends and family can help you gain perspective and find solutions to your problems.

In daily life, seeking support can manifest in different ways. You might reach out to a friend for a quick chat over the phone during a break, or invite a loved one over for a cup of tea or a walk in the park. Sometimes, it can be as simple as venting to someone who is willing to listen without judgment. The important thing is to make the effort to connect with others and ask for their help when you need it.

The impact of seeking support from friends and family can be significant. Feeling understood and validated can reduce stress and help you cope with challenging situations. It can also strengthen relationships and improve communication skills, leading to better interactions with others. Moreover, it can increase feelings of gratitude and positive emotions, which have been shown to enhance well-being.

Get Professional Help

If stress is affecting your daily life, it may be time to seek professional help. A mental health professional can help you develop coping skills and provide support through counseling or therapy.


Stress is a normal part of life, but when it becomes overwhelming, it can have negative consequences on emotional and physical health. Recognising and managing emotional signs of stress is essential for maintaining your overall well-being. Test out the strategies above and see which ones work best for you and help you feel better emotionally. Then build yourself a tool kit of go-to strategies that you can go to straight away to help you cope with stress effectively.

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